Piątek, 7 Marca 2025   imieniny: Paweł, Tomasz, Felicyta
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The Importance of Looking After Your Tires

Data publikacji: 2019-02-14, Data modyfikacji: 2019-02-22
A A AWydrukDrukuj  
Professional truck drivers up and down the country should be taking enhanced measures to look after their truck tires. This is according to an 18-wheeler accident attorney based in Texas. It is crucial that when a driver is beginning a long journey, or at the start of each day, that they carefully check the tires and carry out a rigorous pre-trip inspection. This may sound like overkill doing it each time you begin to drive, but it could prevent an accident from occurring later and thus save lives. The key is to ensure that your tires are properly inflated. This has two benefits. The first is of course preventing accidents, but you will also notice that it will increase your fuel efficiency, saving you on gas. You will also notice that keeping your tires pumped up will increase the life of the tires, meaning they will need to be replaced less frequently. We would recommend that as part of your pre-trip inspection that you make use of a properly calibrated air pressure gauge to measure exactly the pressure of each tire. Tire failure often results if you continually drive on an under-inflated tire. This is generally agreed to be the number one cause of premature tire failure in trucks. While the pressure of the tire is important, it is also crucial to look at the tread of the tire itself, as well as the sidewall area of the tire for any signs of damage. It can be quite hard to notice wearing such as tapered tread depth or bald spots, so make sure you study each tire carefully. The post The Importance of Looking After Your Tires appeared first on Feeds Portal.

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Powiat oleski – powiat w województwie opolskim z siedzibą w mieście Olesno. W skład powiatu wchodzą gminy: Dobrodzień, Gorzów Śląski, Olesno, Praszka, Radłów, Rudniki, Zębowice. Główne rzeki to Stobrawa i Liswarta.

W powiecie sporą część, bo aż 1/3, stanową lasy. Dobrze rozwinięte jest tez rolnictwo.

Przykładowymi zabytkami powiatu są: Ratusz w Oleśnie, kościół odpustowy św. Anny, kościół pw. św. Michała, zabudowania dworskie w Dobrodzieniu, barokowy dwór w Gorzowie Śląskim, synagoga i cmentarz żydowski w Praszce oraz 500-letni kościół w Radawiach. Nie można zapomnieć także o licznych pomnikach przyrody. Dojazd do powiatu zapewniają drogi krajowe Katowice- Poznań oraz wiodące w kierunku Opola i Gliwic.   


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