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4 Reasons Why You Should Check Your Credit Score Regularly

Data publikacji: 2019-02-14, Data modyfikacji: 2019-02-22
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Credit scores are vitally important for a whole host of reasons. For example, if you have a poor credit score, you will not be eligible for a mortgage or even a credit card. To keep your credit score healthy, make sure you pay any credit card debt off to reduce the chances of these bills harming your score. Of course, we know this is easier said than done. It is important not to bury your head in the sand. A lot of people will be scared about finding out what their credit score is. It is certainly better to know what it is, so you can take measures to remedy the credit score. With this in mind, here are four reasons why you should check your credit score, with the help of 1. Know Where You Stand Your credit score is a measure of your overall financial health. If you have recently had bad debts, it is important to see if these debts have adversely affected your credit score. If it has, you can then work to improve it. 2. Make Improved Financial Decisions in the Future If you have a poor credit score, you can then curtail your credit card spending to reduce the likelihood that you will damage your credit score still further. Plus, you will see what debt has negatively affected your score, and you can learn from your mistakes to not let it happen again. 3. Start Now To Make Improvements If you have found out that you have a bad credit score, it can take months or even years for the score to improve. It is not something you can change overnight. The sooner you find out that you have a bad score, the sooner you can make changes to improve it for the future. 4. Reduce Your Chances of Identity Theft Identity theft has never been more prominent than it is in 2019. If you have recently had documents stolen, or been the victim of hacking, fraudsters can quickly assume your identity. If this has happened to you, it is important that you keep checking your credit score. It is not uncommon for fraudsters to take out mortgages in unsuspecting victim’s names. As you can imagine, such a situation can completely destroy your credit score for many years, so it is better to be safe than sorry. For more reasons why you should check your credit score, check out The post 4 Reasons Why You Should Check Your Credit Score Regularly appeared first on Feeds Portal.

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Powiat oleski – powiat w województwie opolskim z siedzibą w mieście Olesno. W skład powiatu wchodzą gminy: Dobrodzień, Gorzów Śląski, Olesno, Praszka, Radłów, Rudniki, Zębowice. Główne rzeki to Stobrawa i Liswarta.

W powiecie sporą część, bo aż 1/3, stanową lasy. Dobrze rozwinięte jest tez rolnictwo.

Przykładowymi zabytkami powiatu są: Ratusz w Oleśnie, kościół odpustowy św. Anny, kościół pw. św. Michała, zabudowania dworskie w Dobrodzieniu, barokowy dwór w Gorzowie Śląskim, synagoga i cmentarz żydowski w Praszce oraz 500-letni kościół w Radawiach. Nie można zapomnieć także o licznych pomnikach przyrody. Dojazd do powiatu zapewniają drogi krajowe Katowice- Poznań oraz wiodące w kierunku Opola i Gliwic.   


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