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Are Sennheiser Headphones Really Better Than Bose?

Data publikacji: 2019-02-14, Data modyfikacji: 2019-02-22
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There is a tussle at the top of the headphone market as Sennheiser and Bose battle to become market leader as we kick off 2019. Sennheiser and Bose offer truly excellent headphone products that offer a revolutionary sound experience that other brands of headphone cannot seem to come close to matching, so we thought we would take a look at both brands latest models to see what we like and don’t like about each. Sennheiser PXC 550 Wireless Headphones These Sennheiser headphones make use of the latest Bluetooth 4.2 wireless technology for listening to music on the go, without any leads. The headphones themselves are ergonomically designed and lightweight, and even after prolonged usage, the headphones are comfortable to wear. For portability, the headset can be folded up which makes it perfect for travellers who like to listen to music on the go. The headphones are fitted with adaptive noise cancellation technology. We tried the headphones out on a flight, and we loved the noise cancellation, thanks to the Impedance:Active 490 Ohm/ Passive 46 Ohm noise cancellation system. It is possible to control the PXC 550 headphones using voice prompts. Of course, you can also control them using touch as well if you prefer. We found that NFC pairing was simple and straight forward. For phone calls, the headphones make use of triple microphone array technology which provides excellent clear calls. The PXC 550 headphones from Sennheiser are able to work with “CapTune”. This is the company’s new premium music player and sound tuning app, so you can adapt the music to exactly how you want it. Bose QuietComfort 35 (Series II) Wireless Headphones The latest Bose headphones to hit the market are the QuietComfort 35 (Series II) line. What makes these headphones unique is that they are able to offer three levels of world-class noise cancellation technology. This makes them perfect if you want no interruptions while listening and this also makes them great for travelling. We loved the way that these headphones were Alexa-enabled, allowing you to play your favourite music using voice commands. For phone calls, the QuietComfort 35 headphones use a noise-rejecting dual-microphone system, which makes your voice transmit to the receiver without any background noise. You will certainly notice the difference! In terms of Bluetooth pairing, this is easy to do. When you switch the headphones on, it will set this up automatically, so there is no fiddling around with the headphones themselves to try and pair them with your device. On balance, no matter what headphones you buy, you will love the quality of the sound. For portability, I would recommend Sennheiser. For noise cancellation, make sure you go with the Bose headphones. For more information on the latest headphones, check out The post Are Sennheiser Headphones Really Better Than Bose? appeared first on Feeds Portal.

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